傑出美容整形外科 林宏森醫學博士 通過美國整形外科委員會資格考

醫療 時間:07/12/2010 瀏覽: 5264
傑出美容整形外科 林宏森醫學博士已經通過了美國整形外科委員會資格考試。他現在有3個資質認證證書:美容外科,美容整形外科和耳鼻喉科。 該委員會是唯一能夠認證一個外科醫生在美國整形外科手術整容方面的知識和經驗的權威認證機構。



Dr. Lin has passed the board exam for cosmetic surgery and is board certified by the AMERICAN BOARD OF COSMETIC SURGERY. He now has 3 board certifications: Cosmetic Surgery, Facial Plastic Surgery, & Ear, Nose, & Throat (Otolaryngology).

The American Board of Cosmetic Surgery is the only certifying board that exclusively tests a surgeon's knowledge and experience in cosmetic surgery.

Diplomates of the American Board of Cosmetic Surgery demonstrate the highest standards of training, knowledge and expertise, while promoting the safe and ethical practice of the specialty of cosmetic surgery. Many doctors of various competing boards may try to claim superiority for one reason or another over the American Board of Cosmetic Surgery, yet, the truth is, that most cosmetic or plastic surgeons do not qualify to take our board exam because of the very strict qualifications they must meet.

Because no other board tests an individual exclusively in cosmetic surgery, the American Board of Cosmetic Surgery prides itself as being the highest standard of measure for this specialty.


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